IEEE Press Series on Technology Management, Innovation, and Leadership

Aims & Scope

The Technology Management, Innovation, and Leadership book series publishes authored and edited books on all aspects of management, innovation, and entrepreneurship related to science, engineering, and technology. The intended audience for the series is entrepreneurs, researchers, managers, practitioners, and policy makers whose interests extend beyond R&D to commercial and societal impact. Topics of specific interest include innovation processes, knowledge and project management, intellectual property protection, strategic technology analysis, technoeconomics, global perspectives on the management of technology, leadership in tech organizations, and science and technology policy. Series books address these and related topics from both cross-industry and industry-specific perspectives.

Series Editor Tariq Samad

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Tariq Samad

Honeywell/W.R. Sweatt Chair and Senior Fellow
University of Minnesota, USA

Tariq Samad holds the Honeywell/W.R. Sweatt Chair and is a Senior Fellow at the Technological Leadership Institute at the University of Minnesota, where he also serves as the Director of Graduate Studies for the M.S. in Management of Technology program. Dr. Samad joined TLI in 2016 after a 30-year career with Honeywell, retiring as Corporate Fellow with Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions and the Global Innovation Leader for the business. During his career with Honeywell he contributed to and led automation and control technology developments for applications in electric power systems, clean energy, building management, the process industries, automotive engines, unmanned aircraft, and advanced manufacturing.

Dr. Samad is a past president of the American Automatic Control Council and IEEE Control Systems Society. He is a Fellow of IEEE and IFAC and the recipient of a few awards including the IEEE CSS Control Systems Technology Award, a Distinguished Member Award from IEEE CSS, an IEEE Third Millennium Medal, and an Excellence Award from the Society of Technical Communications. He is the founding chair of the IFAC Industry Committee and serves on the IFAC Council. Dr. Samad holds 20 patents and has authored or coauthored over 100 publications. His book publications include the Encyclopedia of Systems and Control (co-editor-in-chief, Springer, 2014; 2nd edition in preparation). He was editor-in-chief of IEEE Press 2014-17. Dr. Samad holds a B.S. degree in Engineering and Applied Science from Yale University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.

Advisory Board

  • Dr. Michael Condry, CTO, Intel (retired). Past President of IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society
  • Dr. Frank Doyle, Harvard University
  • Dr. Gerard Gaynor, 3M (retired)
  • Dr. Pramod Khargonekar, University of California, Irvine
  • Ms. Svetlana Klessova, inno TSD
  • Mr. Naeem Zafar, Telesense and Univ. of California, Berkeley

More From This Series

Gustavo Giannattasio (Editor-in-Chief), Elif Kongar (Editor), Marina Dabić (Editor), Celia Desmond (Editor), Michael Condry (Editor), Sudeendra Koushik (Editor), Roberto Saracco (Editor)

Meet the Editor

Meet Dr. Tariq Samad in this video interview where he give an insightful overview of the Technology Management, Innovation, and Leadership series.

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Submit a Book Proposal

If you are interested in submitting a book proposal for this series, please contact Dr. Samad, or email us.