IEEE Press Series on Network and Service Management

Aims & Scope

The goal of this series is to publish high-quality technical reference books and textbooks on network and services management for communications and information technology professional societies, the private sector and government organizations as well as research centers and universities around the world. This Series focuses on Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security (FCAPS) management in areas including, but not limited to, telecommunications networks and services, technologies and implementations, IP networks and services, and wireless networks and services.

Series Editor Veli Sahin


Veli Sahin

Independent ICT Consultant

Dr. Sahin is an independent ICT consultant and currently serving as the co-editor of IEEE Press Book Series on Network and Service Management since 2003 and has over 100 internal and external publications.

He is an accomplished bilingual leader with 30+ years of wireless, wireline, andmanagement systems (OSS/BSS) experience in telecommunications, information technology (IT), consulting, and standards with Telecom / Cable carriers, service providers, and vendors. He held various executive management and leadership positions at NEC America, Samsung Telecommunications, Marconi Communications, Huawei Technologies USA, and AT&T Bell Laboratories.

Series Editor Mehmet Ulema

Mehmet Ulema

Mehmet Ulema

Professor, Computer Information Systems
Manhattan College, USA

Dr. Mehmet Ulema has more than 30 years experience in the telecommunications field as a professor, director, project manager, researcher, systems engineer, network architect, and software developer. Currently, he is a professor at the Computer Information Systems Department at Manhattan College, New York. Previously, he held management and technical positions in AT&T Bell Laboratories, BellcoreDaewoo Telecom, and Hazeltine Corporations. He also has been an adjunct professor in the City College of New York and Stevens Institute of Technologies.

He is an active Senior Member of IEEE. He served as the chair and co-founder of the IEEE Communications Society’s Information Infrastructure Technical Committee. Previously he served as the chair of the IEEE Communications Society’s Radio Communications Technical Committee. He is involved in numerous IEEE conferences. More recently, he was a General co-chair of IEEE BlackseaCom 2018, General co-chair of IEEE ISCC 2012. He was the Technical Program Chair for IEEE Global Communications (GLOBECOM) conference) in 2009. He was the General co-chair of IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) in 2016 and 2008, the Technical Program Chair of IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC) in 2006, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference in 2004; also served as the Technical Program co-chair of the IEEE Symposium in Computer and Communications (ISCC 2000) and the IEEE NOMS 2002.

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Submit a Book Proposal

If you are interested in submitting a book proposal for this series, please contact Dr. Sahin or Dr. Ulema, or email us.