IEEE Press Series on Human-Machine Systems

Aims & Scope

The IEEE Press Series on Human-Machine Systems, established in June 2019, is published by IEEE Press and Wiley.  It covers integrated human/machine systems at multiple scales, including areas such as human/machine interaction; cognitive ergonomics and engineering; assistive/companion technologies; human/machine system modeling, testing and evaluation; and fundamental issues of measurement and modeling of human-centered phenomena in engineered systems.

Series Editor Giancarlo Fortino


Giancarlo Fortino

Professor of Computer Engineering
University of Calabria, Italy

Giancarlo Fortino (IEEE Fellow 2022) is Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Dept of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics, and Systems of the University of Calabria (Unical), Italy. He received a PhD in Computer Engineering from Unical in 2000. He is also distinguished professor at Wuhan University of Technology and Huazhong Agricultural University (China), high-end expert at HUST (China), senior research fellow at the Italian ICAR-CNR Institute, CAS PIFI visiting scientist at SIAT – Shenzhen, and Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Sensors Council.

At Unical, he is the Rector’s delegate to Int’l relations, the chair of the PhD School in ICT, the director of the Postgraduate Master course in INTER-IoT, and the director of the SPEME lab as well as co-chair of Joint labs on IoT established between Unical and WUT, SMU and HZAU Chinese universities, respectively. Fortino is currently the scientific responsible of the Digital Health group of the Italian CINI National Laboratory at Unical. He is Highly Cited Researcher 2020 and 2021 in Computer Science by Clarivate.

Currently he has 19 highly cited papers in WoS, and h-index=66 with about 16000 citations in Google Scholar. His research interests include wearable computing systems, e-Health, Internet of Things, and agent-based computing. He is author of 550+ papers in int’l journals, conferences and books.

He is (founding) series editor of IEEE Press Book Series on Human-Machine Systems and EiC of Springer Internet of Things series and AE of premier int’l journals such as IEEE TAFFC-CS, IEEE THMS, IEEE T-AI, IEEE IoTJ, IEEE SJ, IEEE JBHI, IEEE SMCM, IEEE OJEMB, IEEE OJCS, Information Fusion, JNCA, EAAI, etc. He chaired many int’l workshops and conferences (120+), was involved in a huge number of int’l conferences/workshops (500+) as IPC member, is/was guest-editor of many special issues (75+). He is cofounder and CEO of SenSysCal S.r.l., a Unical spinoff focused on innovative IoT systems, and recently cofounder and vice-CEO of the spin-off Bigtech S.r.l, focused on big data, AI and IoT technologies. Fortino is currently member of the IEEE SMCS BoG and of the IEEE Press BoG, and chair of the IEEE SMCS Italian Chapter.

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Submit a Book Proposal

If you are interested in submitting a book proposal for this series, please contact Dr. Fortino, or email us.