ComSoc Guides to Communications Technologies

Aims & Scope

A collection of introductory references on current topics of communications technologies that are of interest to the practicing engineers and undergraduate/graduate students. Concise and handy paperback references (~300 pages) emphasizing engineering insight rather than rigorous mathematical descriptions.

Series Editor Nim Cheung

Nim Cheung
Nim Cheung

Duke Energy Distinguished Professor of Power Engineering and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University, USA

Dr Nim Cheung is Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), a 600-member ICT research center established by the Hong Kong Government. He received his B.Sc. degree from University of Hong Kong and Ph.D. degree from California Institute of Technology, and has held different research and management positions at AT&T Bell Labs, Bellcore and Telcordia Technologies.

In 2005, Dr Cheung was elected the 18th President of the IEEE Communications Society, a professional organization with 45,000 members in 180 chapters around the world. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles, and has served in different editorial positions, including Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Communications Magazine.

Dr Cheung was a consulting professor at Stanford University from 2004 to 2009. He is Fellow of IEEE and Telcordia Technologies, and a member of the Research Grants Council in Hong Kong. Dr Cheung has received numerous awards and honors, including Bellcore Award of Excellence and the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Science Distinguished Alumni Award.

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